Saturday, April 13, 2013

A time to pray!

This morning despite going to bed late and being a little under the weather, I was determined to be at church at 5 the next morning. 4:15 alarm went off and I was motivated to get through a shower and dressed so I could be at church when they open. We are praying and fasting for God to give us guidance for the church between 5 am and 5 pm, 12 solid hours of prayer and fasting. The following are two different reflections I take away from this.

At 4:59 I walked into the church and there were three women already there praying. I did not bring my bible so I went to where they store them and set out several bibles for those who might follow me and want to contemplate His word during this quiet time and prayer. As I found a seat by myself and prayed quietly with hands resting on the bible my mind did not wander but stayed focused on seeking God’s truth. I flipped it open past the part of half way so I would be in the New Testament and this is the first words I read. “Jesus is the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone. Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved” Acts 4:11-12. My jaw dropped open and my mind began try to make sense of what God was trying to reveal to me. Was it that we were not making Jesus the cornerstone of the church? Was it I who was not putting Jesus as the cornerstone of my life? Then I turned to the very next page and the next sentence I read was, “Peter and the other apostles replied, “We must obey God rather than human beings!”Acts 5:29 How true those two statements were. We need to obey God and put Jesus at the corner of our church and lives. This was a God thing and he touched my soul this morning.

As I prayed, meditated, took notes, read the bible and sought wisdom from God, I watched a middle aged woman come in with a bag quietly and find a seat. She sat her cup next to her filled with warm tea (I could tell by the tea string hanging from the screw on lid) and I watched her as she opened her bag pull out a blanket which she placed gently on her lap. Then out of the bag came a bible which she placed on her lap atop the blanket. She reached in and retrieved her ipod and set it reverently next to the bible and put the ear buds into her ears. She smiled as the quiet music filled her soul and she read her bible quietly and all I could think was that this was perfect. She found her place in the presence of God with her music, tea and His word. I was wishing she had told me or sent out a memo on another way to pray and I would have done the same thing. There is a lot of music that will bring you to the place that is closer to God, and I know some would probably have trouble with her drinking her tea during a time of fasting, to which I saw out of fasting and praying, praying is the more important element. She was closer to God than I was and she was not grumbling but happy in the presence of God. That made me smile and because of watching her….. I was closer to God. 

Thank you God

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Fried Chicken (Chicken Parmesan)

There is nothing like homemade food, and if you include your children helping then you make amazing memories too. Plus when they see what is exactly in the food then there is buy in. Start young and then when they get older they feel comfortable in the kitchen and you will have a confident child that doesn't ask you for every little thing. They will get for themselves. Plus being a good cook is always a good thing when in a relationship. Everybody loves a good cook.

Today I am going to show how I make my fried chicken and then turn it into Chicken Parmesan. This is a great comfort food and really tasty for even the pickiest of people. Brings back fond memories of winter when my mother would make "food that warms your inside."

First I start with fresh chicken breast boneless and skinless. Normally I use chicken legs but this is going to be turned into Chicken Parmesan so legs won’t work.

Then you must soak in buttermilk (at least 2 hours) its better overnight. This will not only tenderize the meat but also remove any blood. I use a Ziploc bag to marinate the chicken but you can use a dish, just make sure it is covered and that butter milk is all over the chicken.

Once the chicken is done soaking overnight and it is ready to cook, pour vegetable (or Crisco, or lard) into a cast iron skillet until it will cover half a piece of chicken. If you don’t have cast iron, then you might want to get one according to my mom, it really does make the best fried chicken. Heat the oil once you see little bubbles the oil is ready for frying

Take a piece of chicken out of the buttermilk and hold it over the bag until is stops dripping. Then dredge in your favorite coating. Gently place into oil and it will bubble up immediately.

This is a good time to go over fire safety. Remember cover or smother oil fires, NEVER pour water on them. Dump baking soda on them is another good choice, the sodium bicarbonate puts it out very quickly. But also every house should have three fire extinguishers (ABC or AB type). One should be located in your garage, kitchen and master bedroom. The one in your bedroom is only to clear a path to get outside.

Let the chicken cook about 6-7 min per side then put on a cookie rack. (if you are not going to bake in the oven and are just making fried chicken then I would say 8 min per side will be better) If the chicken isn't done completely the oven will finish it off (better not to overcook it). I know some put it on paper towels but I think that lets the chicken soak in its own oil and gets soggy on the bottom.

After the chicken has cooled a bit it’s time to top with your favorite marinara sauce. I like Classico (I bet you thought I made my own, nope). Then Mozzarella and Parmesan cheese to seal it in.

Into the oven at 350 degrees for about 15 min. Let rest for 5 min and enjoy. It goes good with a bed of pasta or mashed potatoes. And I love this dish with fresh steamed (or grilled with olive oil) asparagus. But salad or peas work as well.
*Tip of the day * Clean as you go!!! When the chicken is in the oven is a good time to tackle the stove and grease that splatters. My favorite cleaner is Clorox Cleanup (you just have to be careful because it will ruin your clothes)

Don’t forget to sit down together, pray and give thanks and enjoy the food and company!

The family recipe for the seasoning that goes into the flower is so tasty and has 9 different ingredients. If you want my great grandma’s recipe (she spent her whole life Savannah, Georgia) leave an email or comment below and I will send it to you. It is to die for. 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Cleaning Strawberries (Kitchen Tip #1)

Kitchen Tip #1

Tonight we have bible study tonight and are on the list for bringing desert. What is a health, good tasting treat? Strawberries of course. Problem is that a lot of people love strawberries, so how do you clean a lot of strawberries in a short period.  I learned this trick long ago and still love it.

Step 1. Wash your strawberries. (soft bristle brush and cool water)

Step 2. Get a standard soda straw

Step 3. Push the straw through the bottom of the strawberry lining up with the green top

Step 4. Remove the stem and core from the straw

Step 5. Place in large container

Step 6. Enjoy.
Push Straw up through the bottom
Pull out the green stuff


Friday, April 5, 2013

What a difference a generation makes

Dad, Uncle Brett, and Me
Children are a blessing but I am telling you that raising a child today is much harder than my parents. In comparison my parents never worried about me. I was gone from breakfast to dinner and they never concerned about my whereabouts. My children have never played outside when younger, without me constantly watching. I don’t remember a parent teacher conference ever for my parents. I never had after-school activities unless I could drive myself there, or could get a ride from someone else.

Dad and I having a quick draw
Me and Michelle
Now that being said, my parents were and are so hard working. My mom worked 8 to 10 hours a day, and came home and kept a house, cooked and cleaned for the family. My dad worked and constantly had more overtime than anyone I had seen. They worked hard, and had time to teach me the lessons in life that I have passed on to my children. Respect- Respect all elders. All adults have a title, such as Mr. Mrs. Uncle, Aunt, Sir, Ma’am. Never did I call an adult by their first name and none of my children have either. My parents taught me manners, how to set a table, how to address at a table. Again this is a lesson that was passed down to my children. My parents taught me what an honest days’ worth of work was, and you can ask my kids about work. They have known chores since they can remember. (oh and they don’t get paid for chores)

Dad, Mom, Teen Dwight Jr.
Me and Morgan
Side note: I think it is harder to be a kid today too. The amount you have to know, the job market competition when you get older. Kids today have more rules and less freedom than ever before. I remember a comedian said that he was telling his dad how hot it is, and his dad replied just open a fire hydrant. The comedian replied, “um dad because that’s called a felony.” And it made me think that each generation has less fun than the generation before them.   The constant supervision doesn't allow for fun playing. Kids are apprehensive to have fun or sneak around so on. The communication back and forth between teacher and parent would have killed me. I constantly get emails from my daughters teacher and I know what she has due, what she has done and any behavior that was good or bad before she even gets home….. and that is delivered to my smart phone.

I guess what I am saying is that parenting may have changed, but the core is love and teaching and that has never changed. Parenting is not for the faint of heart, but if you persevere and work at it, the reward is amazing. Good luck fellow parents.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Quick Dinner 1 (Salisbury Steak)

This is a quick dinner (or could be) and is a good idea if you have hamburger patties and no buns. Or you want a sit-down dinner that isn't burgers.

Normally I would cook the burgers on the grill outside but I looked in the cupboards and I did not have any packets of gravy or a jar of Heinz gravy. So I had to make gravy the old fashion way. Which is taking 2 table spoons of cornstarch mixed with ¼ cup of water poured into the drippings then milk and 2 cap full of Kitchen Bouquet. Very low heat and constant stirring. Voilà Gravy!!!


So now you have gravy and hamburgers. Now you need either rice or mashed-potatoes. Instant use to be gross, now they have come a long way. I use Honest Earth instant mashed potatoes and they are really good.

Then I think green beans are a perfect addition to Salisbury Steak and mashed potatoes and it is OK just to open a can of green beans but tonight I took fresh green beans and steamed them.

I hope you all enjoyed the dinner.