Yesterday I read a news article showing Canada's Jocelyne Larocque take her silver medal off immediately after receiving it. The next day she apologized and said she regretted her actions and wish she could take it back. She was so emotional and had worked so hard to try to win. After reading the article I actually felt bad for her. Then I tried an experiment in my own brain. What if I changed up the scene.
Change 1 -
I made a change to the scene that I read. I changed Jocelyne to a guy. And I read the story again except this time I replaced Jocelyne to Jack. I was angry that He was acting like a big baby. Hmmm why would I be so quick to forgive Jocelyne and not Jack. Was it because I think of women differently? Was it that I thought it was okay for a woman to let her emotions get the best of her? Did I think Guys should suck it up and not whine about stuff, no mater how hard they tried. Why did I empathize with Jocelyne and not Jack.
Change 2 -
This change was to change the race of the person. I did this because I wondered if I would judge the same person if they were not white. After all I was pretty hard on Cam Newton when he had a melt down and walked away from interview after he lost the Superbowl. I played the scene in my head with a African American woman and I was still sympathetic. I really think my view of genders is different.
What to do now?
Honestly I do not know what I should do to change this? I am looking for suggestions.
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